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Our Services

We specialise in the translation of literary works, Such as articles, reviews, blogs however most especially books! If you are looking to undergo a translation service with us for a non-literary work, please get in contact with us ASAP, so we can let you know if your request is one we can fulfil! 

Levitating Books

Book Translations

Book translations involves the translation of stories. Whether that be a Short story, novel or any other story in any genre. 

Literary Work Translations

A literary translation involves the translation of a literary works that is not a book such as a review, a blog, an article, speech, essay and more… 

Colorful Notebooks

Proof Reading

A Proof reading service is where we correct, edit and review a translation carried out by another person outside of our agency, (Please note- every book or work we translate will already come with a revision service included.) If you have translated your book on your own, or you did so with a different translator and would like the translation to be reviewed and corrected please get in contact with us. 


We provide assistance to writers before, after and during the duration of their translation service with us. We help writers find the audience and demographic group they should target with their translated book, we do this by undergoing intense research of the writers book and the contents of the book to find which audience is best suited to them, then we provide the writer with a report of our findings. We also help writers with English communications between different English speaking editorial agencies after their book has been translated. All of these services can be given to writers at an additional fee to their translation service. 

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Phone: +447551577799

We are located in England, UK


Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm

​​Saturday: 9am - 7pm

​Sunday: 9am - 8pm

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