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Privacy & Terms

We advise each client to read our policy and terms before undergoing any work with us, as we will take it that you agree with our terms if you proceed to use us for any form of translations. 

Privacy Policy/ Terms



This privacy policy (“policy) explains how we process your personal data (“your data”) , incl. what we use it for and how we store and protect it. 


Why? Because we care about your privacy

Who are we 


We are the company responsible for the processing of your data in accordance with this policy. Here’s our information:



To make the policy more user friendly, we use “we”, “us”, “our” etc. to describe our company.

When we talk about our “website” we mean ​URL​, and the other sites and apps we own and operate.

When we refer to “you” we mean you as a user of our website, app or customer of our online services or products.

Links to other websites etc.


On our website, in our emails and on our social-media profiles, we may have links to other companies, apps or websites (“other websites”) that aren’t ours. This policy doesn’t cover how those other websites process your data. We encourage you to read the privacy notices on the other websites you visit. 

Why, what and for long we process your data 

We process your data for these purposes:

Purpose #1:

Translation Services

We process the following ordinary data about you:

  • Your name

  • Your phone number

  • Your email address

  • Your company name

  • Your country of origin

  • The contents of your File

We do not process any sensitive Material

We will retain your data processed for solely the purpose of your translation service.


We collect your data from the file you upload once you place your order. 


Purpose #2:


Oral Translations also known as interpretations are given on request once you make a booking. 

We process the following ordinary data about you:

  • Your name

  • Your phone number

  • Your email address

  • Your company name

  • Your country of origin

  • The contents of your File and booking

We don’t process any sensitive Material

We will retain your data processed for solely the purpose of your booking.

We collect your data from the contents of the file you send us.

Purpose #3:

Proof reading is carefully checking for errors in a text and ensuring it is of high standard.

We process the following ordinary data about you:

  • Your name

  • Your phone number

  • Your email address

  • Your company name

  • Your country of origin

  • The contents of your File

We will retain your data processed for solely the purpose of your translation service


We collect your data from the files you send us once you make a booking. 



Purpose #4:

Subtitling is the textual representation of the spoken language, in a video or by means Displayed on a screen.

We process the following ordinary data about you:

  • Your name

  • Your phone number

  • Your email address

  • Your company name

  • Your country of origin

  • The contents of your File

We collect your data from the contents of the file you send us.  

We will retain your data processed for solely the purpose of your translation service.  

Purpose #5:

A voiceover is a piece or narration in a film or broadcast, not accompanied with the image of the speaker.

We process the following ordinary data about you:

  • Your name

  • Your phone number

  • Your email address

  • Your company name

  • Your country of origin

  • The contents of your File

We collect your data from the contents of the file you upload.

We will retain your data processed for solely the purpose of your translation service.

Purpose #6:

Transcription is the conversion of audio recordings into written format.  

We process the following ordinary data about you:

  • Your name

  • Your phone number

  • Your email address

  • Your company name

  • Your country of origin

  • The contents of your File

  • We collect your data from the contents of the file you upload.

    We will retain your data processed for solely the purpose of your translation service.

Additional information 


If you would like more information about our legal basis for processing your data, feel free to contact us. Some of the grounds for processing your data overlap, so there may be several reasons which justify us processing your data. 


We do not sell or rent your data to marketers or third parties. 


We may use your data in other ways than described here but we’ll inform you about these purposes when we collect your data. 


Please note that special circumstances or legal requirements may mean that such periods may be shorter or longer, depending on the purpose of complying with legal requirements for the erasure or keeping of information. 


Keeping your data safe 


We use reasonable organisational, technical and administrative measures to protect your data within our company. 


The Internet is not a 100% secure environment and that means we cannot guarantee the security of the data you transmit to us. Emails sent via the Internet might not be encrypted, so we advise you not to include any confidential or sensitive information in your emails to us. 


To learn more about our current practices and policies regarding security, please contact us. 


Your rights 

You have the following rights:

  1. Your right of access and rectification - You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal data or ask us to rectify information you think is inaccurate. There are some exemptions, which means you may not always receive all the information we process but as a main rule you can always contact us and ask for your information.

  2. Your right to erasure - You can ask us to erase your information in certain circumstances.

  3. You also have the right to have the processing of your data restricted.

  4. Your right to withdraw your consent: If processing of your data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Your withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out before you withdrew your consent. You may withdraw your consent by contacting us directly​.

  5. Your right to restriction of processing and object to processing - You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information and a similar right to object to processing.

  6. Your right to data portability: You have the right to receive your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (data portability).

  7. Where your data is processed for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data about you for such marketing.

The law gives us one month to respond to you, but we will try to respond sooner.

There may be conditions or limitations on these rights. It is therefore not certain e.g. you have the right of data portability in a specific case - this depends on the specific circumstances of the processing activity. You are always welcome to contact us and ask. The same goes for some of the other rights.

If you have questions about the policy, feel free to contact us by using the contact details in this policy. 


How to unsubscribe to email marketing material? 


If you have subscribed to our newsletters or asked to receive marketing material from us, you can always unsubscribe. In all these emails we include an unsubscribe link and you always click the link and easily unsubscribe. 


You can also unsubscribe by sending us an email to

Children and Our Services 


Our services and website are not directed to children, and you may not use our services if you are not over the age of 16. You must also be old enough to consent to the processing of your information in your country. 

Changes to this policy 


Sometimes we need to make changes to this policy to reflect our current practices. We will take reasonable steps to let you know about changes via our website. 


If you are a registered user, we will notify you via email if significant changes are being made to the policy using the email address you gave us when you signed up. 


If you continue to use our website or services after the notification, we will regard this as your acceptance of our privacy practices. 



The policy was last updated on 13th March 2021 Version 1



Payments must be made 5 days after an invoice has been sent-

Payment must be Carried out before the Translation can begin. Failure to carry out payment Will result in your booking Not being completed and becoming invalid. You will then need to re-upload Your document via our website for a quotation, and will have to wait to receive another invoice in order to make a payment. 

Late Payment fee-

Payment carried out after the 5 day threshold will result in a late fee being added to your bill. Late payment fee will be £2.00 per day 

Payments made more than a 10 days after the Invoice was sent will Not Be accepted and will be refunded back to the sender.                  Please note, only 75% of your payment will be refunded and you will need to request another quotation.  


Translations Payment rate-

All translations will be charged at ... per word. (Tax is not included)

Translation Due date-

 Due dates must be at least 5 days after payment has been carried out.

Rapid translations (which include 3-4 days after payment has been carried out) 

Urgent translations(which include 1-2 days after payment has been carried out) 

Same day translations (which include translations being completed on the same day payment was carried out) 



(please note some circumstances may require part refund while others will require full refund, please contact us for further information)

Refunds are allowed under specific grounds; 

- Inaccurate Translations.

- Translations being completed after the due date.

- Translations not being done in its entirety. 

- Translations made in the wrong language.



-The cancellation of translations can be made up until 72 hours before the due day, if paid before cancelled, you will receive 75% of your refund. 

- The cancellation of a translation less than 72 hours of the deadline will result in you only receiving 30% of your refund.


- Failure to do this will result in you not receiving a refund. 


  • All bookings and orders are made on Our standard business terms unless we have specifically stated to you otherwise. 

  • If payment is specifically required after the service is carried out, Payment must be made in the time frame given. Failure to do this will result in legal action.  

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Phone: +447551577799

We are located in England, UK


Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm

​​Saturday: 9am - 7pm

​Sunday: 9am - 8pm

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