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Things you should Know before you write a book

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Writing a book can be an exciting period in your life filled with joy, new ideas and inspiration, however some writers say that writing a book can be daunting especially if it is your first or maybe even second book. However no need to worry, because the Christlated Blog writer Crew are here to save the day! In this blog we will divert your attention to certain aspects you must consider before going ahead and writing your book!

A Woman Writing by the Window


Put simple, Genre is very important! You must be able to fit your book into a certain Genre, this will make it easier for your book to be found by readers. Sticking to a Genre doesn't necessarily mean you can't write about things that are not specifically associated with that Genre, for example just because you are writing a fantasy book, doesn't mean you can't have a few romantic scenes, similarly if you are writing a book belonging to the Mystery Genre you can still add scenes that are related to fiction. However it is important to make sure every scene in the book diverts back to the intended Genre or the book could turn into a mess and leave readers unsatisfied. Every reader wants to get what they came to the book to receive, however a Romance book that is actually a horror story could potentially leave readers feeling unfulfilled.

Bible Text


Characters are way more than their traits and backstory. Some writers believe that to make their Character interesting they Need to give in depth descriptions of the character along with personified attributes, however this is not always the case. Despite Descriptions of each Character being essential and very important what defines a character is the desires they contain within. The Character should be determined to act on those desires and be willing to go to any lengths to achieve what they need. A storyline like that Creates empathy within readers and can make the reader feel a real close connection with the character because they will understand the choices the character makes based on it’s situation. Approaching the creation of your Characters in that way can make them more realistic and appealing. Before you write your book you should do research on the issues, strengths and weaknesses of your Characters. For example if you want to write about a character that suffers from an illness, it would definitely prove useful to learn and conduct research on real people’s stories and experiences with the same illness. In this way you can mirror true stories of other people and implement it into your character, thus giving it a very realistic and thriving nature. 


Book on Table

Several Ideas-

Having too many ideas is never a bad thing, however it can be if you don’t know how to structure it nicely into your story. Similarly to the first point in this blog about jumping between genres, Skipping between ideas can also be just as messy. This is why it is absolutely essential to spend a great amount of time researching and planning before you start writing the first draft of the book. This way you can place all your ideas on paper and structure them accordingly. If you Don’t know how to structure all your many ideas nicely and smoothly into your story, it would prove useful to do further research on the topic. However we would suggest you organise your ideas by firstly dividing them into chapters. By doing this you are giving yourself a clear view of where you intend the direction of the book to go. 


Similarly to any other task or activity, When you are writing a book you will need to Commit a good amount of time and mental energy into it. However the important part is you stay consistent, Try your best everyday to contribute to your book, this could be by doing some research/ learning more about the specific topics you wish to include in your book or even planning. Whatever you decide to do just make sure that it is adding to the overall finishing touches of your book. If you loose motivation you need to remember why you decided to write the book in the first place, your reasoning could simply be Because you love writing and you want to live the aesthetic writer’s life or you have a great story and message and you just want to share it with the world! Whatever your reason is just never forget it and hold onto it until you get to the end of the book!
Reading a Book

In conclusion, writing a book is going to be how you make it, If you are not consistent and don’t do enough research and planning before you start writing you may notice that the writing process can feel daunting however if you put in the work, keep being consistent, carry out good and informative research whilst having a detailed and organised plan for the book, writing it will be a breeze, The ball is in your court! Once you finish writing the book you will feel extremely proud of yourself and you may even decide that you want to translate it! Here at Christlated we are no stranger when it comes to Book and literacy translations we will always do our best to make sure the message and story in your book are conveyed accurately in another language! We wish you all the best and success in writing your book! Happy writing :)


-The Christlated Writer’s Team

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