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The benefits of translating a book-


Translating a book is an investment that the benefits outweigh the negatives! Many people know this but still are indecisive to whether they should commit themselves to the investment. For that reason the Christlated Blog writing team are here again to save the day and list a few benefits in translating your book to another language, especially that language being English. 


  1. Advancement of technology-

It is no news to anyone that as each year passes the more advanced technology is becoming! The fast growing development of technology can be used to your advantage as a writer/ author! New advancements in Technology allow you to choice whether you would like to go down the old fashion route when publishing your book or self publish it yourself as a digital book or ebook! Ebooks have become extremely popular around the world as people love the convenience that a digital book offers! You are probably thinking that’s great!!! But what does that have to do with translating my book to English? Well luckily for you we were just about to get to that part! Over 25.9% Of internet users are English speakers, this is 18% higher than the amount of spanish speakers that use the internet. Therefore by translating your book to English you have a higher chance of standing out against your competition and also finding an English Audience that are interesting in what you write about!! Just look at the book “la sombra del viento” for example, the author translated the book to English in 2001 and generated over 1 million sales, and this was just from his English version alone! Incredible right?! That could be you too!!!














2. Certain countries like certain types of books

Depending on the type of book and topic you are writing about, there maybe be a high market demanding for your book! For example there is a high demand for crime and mystery books within the UK, Classic books are in demand in Ireland and romance books are in demand within the USA. Therefore, by conducting research on which English speaking country has a high demand for your type of book, you can translate your book into English and target those demographics in order to receive increased sales!















3. Reaching a wider Audience. 

In short, translating your book will enable you to reach a wider audience. Whether you are a writer who has a strong message you want to share with everyone, or just an amusing person that desires to share their jokes with the world, what better method to accomplish those objectives than translating your book to a global language such as English! Millions of English speakers would be entertained with whatever message it is you are trying to share! 












4. Showcase your culture. 

As a Spanish-speaking writer your writing will definitely differ from other English writers, as your work will show off a sense of uniqueness and a vast amount of culture. With an accurate and precise translation done by CHRISTLATED we can make sure the richness in culture within your book is not lost once it is translated, rather it is enhanced and embellished in an accurate and precise manner! Having such uniqueness in your writing can create a very good reputation for you as someone with a different style of writing to any other author your readers might be used to. 


5. Get recognized internationally. 

Some writers are happy with being just a small local Spanish writer, however many others desire more, and the perfect way to achieve more is by translating your book into English. In this way the millions of famous English authors and publishing agencies will be able to recognize and most importantly understand your work, as it is in English! Therefore they will be able to comfortably do any assessments or revising of your book in their native language! This could result in plenty of future opportunities for you with some major agencies. 












6. Other translations-

From translating your book to English you will be able to use that translation to then translate your book into other languages and at a cheaper price! For example it would be a lot easier and cheaper to translate a book from English to Japanese than from Spanish. It may be difficult to even find professional translators who have the capability to translate from Spanish to languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and more! Therefore having an English translation of your book can be the prime copy you use to then translate the book into other languages!














In this blog we only managed to speak about six benefits to translating your book, when in reality there are hundreds! If we were to go in depth about all of them we would be here forever! However we still have time to briefly mention a few, such as the benefit of earning two streams of income from one project, the advantage you have over your competitors and more engagement from an English speaking audience! All of these of course will lead to increased sales, and you can use the money to invest more into your writing career or just reward yourself for the hard work you have already done! For more information on book translations please get in contact with us here at Christlated! 


-The Christlated blog writing team. 

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