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Hello! I'm Feti :)

Hi I'm Feti the owner of this translation agency! I have been working as a translator for over four years now, with half of of those being in this awesome translation agency <3

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Let me Tutor you!

Many people have reached out to me about their difficulties studying translation or just how hard they find translating in general, and to that I have accepted the offer to tutor them!!! Although I was very skeptical at first because I'm a translator not a teacher!!! But after taking on the task I found it has been so much fun and the people I tutor really enjoy how I explain complicated translation theories and topics :)


So if you want me to be by your side as you develop and advance your skills as a literary translator, please fill out the form below, I want to hear from you!!! <3 

Translating can be fun!! (Especially if you have me by your side hehehe)

*Example of some corrections on a translation extract*


Sign me up!

If you would like me to be your personal tutor, fill out this form <3

*All forms that are not about looking for a tutor will be ignored.*

Get Your Free Quote Now!

Hey! We wanna work with you and read  all your great pieces of work while translating them into English!

Thanks for submitting!


© 2023 by Christlated. Proudly created with


Phone: +447551577799

We are located in England, UK


Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm

​​Saturday: 9am - 7pm

​Sunday: 9am - 8pm

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