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About us- 


We are Christlated. A modern Translation Agency specialised in Translating books from Spanish to English, Run and governed by a young girl from the Gen Z.  



Christlated was founded by our Super young GEN Z CEO, Feti Ade, She is a devoted Christian who has a strong love for running business fairly, compassionately and kindly. She first started off Christlated and named it MITranslationz, but soon after realising that the name did not capture the vision she had for the business, she quickly decided to change it to the new and best name ever! CHRISTLATED, which is a combination of the two words “Christ” and “translated”!



Previously we used to translate all sort of things, videos, short texts, menus… you name it! But over a long period of planning and thinking strategically, we decided to focus solely on the translation of books. The reason for this was that, there is a huge amount of competition in translation, so by us not having a solid niche it was hard for us to be profitable. We choose to specialise in translating books because it is an area that we really enjoyed and had great skill and expertise, We found that translating books was more enjoyable for our team than translating commercial or technical documents! Ever since we collectively decided to make our focus literary translations, we have seen a huge change and increase profitability in the Agency! Getting new clients and reading new stories daily is really what makes our job truly amazing. 



Being one of the world’s first ever modern translation agency is something we take great pride in. The structure for a business needs to be modernised and that is exactly what we are doing, the main ways we are different from a tradicional translation agency is the way the business is run. A Tradicional agency is quite strict and very serious with their clients and staff, however us on the other hand are quite lenient and informal with our clients and staff, although still maintaining a professional atmosphere. We see our clients and writers as more of our friends, rather than price tags!!! We like to give our clients updates through our social media, sharing funny, interesting and factual information with them in order to grow a deeper connection. We also communicate with our clients in all sorts of ways, whether informally through Instagram DM or formally through email!



Our Translation agency is one of the first in the world to specialise in literary translations only. This is important because translating a document and a book require different skills and expertise, that is why we made sure our team is experienced in the translation of books. We translate books of all genres!! 


Other than book translations we translate other literacy works, such as reviews, blogs, and notes

We provide a proof reading service for clients who have already gotten their books translated by another translation agency or have done so themselves. We read and compare the translation with the original book in Spanish to make sure no message or context has been left out, we also ensure that the translation sounds natural and professional in English!




We focus on the quality of our work and satisfying our client's needs rather than trying to charge writers who are looking to further their career a hefty price for our services! We value writers and appreciate the hard work and dedication they have put into writing their book, that is why we work the way we do, as we want to make sure our clients can relax knowing the translation of their book will be carried out with much love and care. 



Every client that works with us will receive a thank you box from us, it is just our way of saying thank you!! We also ensure that the translation of your book will undergo a proof reading, correction and editing process, so that readers won’t even realise that the book was ever translated. We are currently working on new ways and ideas to support our clients after they have completed a translation service with us, such as assisting them in their search and communication with English speaking editorial agencies and editors. We would also like to team up with book marketing agencies in the future to help translate all of your English book marketing campaigns!


For more information or to learn more about us, please do not hesitate to get in contact xx

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Phone: +447551577799

We are located in England, UK


Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm

​​Saturday: 9am - 7pm

​Sunday: 9am - 8pm

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