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La guía para convertirse en traductor literario

Una guía que hemos creado que explica todas las formas en las que puedes trabajar como traductor literario, también en la guía te recomendamos algunos buenos libros que puedes leer, plataformas independientes donde puedes ofrecer tus servicios, buenas formas de encontrar clientes, construir tu portafolio y nuestros consejos.

(Please note this guide is only available in Spanish at the moment.)

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We do it the Client's way!

We are an online translation agency for writers! We specialise in translating Spanish books into English professionally, accurately and by the client's specific requests!

Colorful Notebooks

Novel Translations

We Translate all sorts of Novels no matter what genre they are! 

Short Story

We translate All sorts of short Stories No matter What Genre they are!

Blog/ Reviews

We Translate all sorts of blogs and reviews No matter what topic they are written about!

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Other Services

For more information Read about all our other book translation services!

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Romance books

The development of a romantic relationship

between two characters

 Advice books

Books that give advice on (relationships, work, christianity, Sports, etc..)


Fiction books

Books that are created from the writer's imagination

Mystery books

Books with an interesting narrative that creates mystery and suspense.

We Always provide

Incorporated Proof-Reading

Dedicated & Passionate translator

100% On time delivery 

Our Happy Customers

"Had a great time working with Christlated, they are very understanding and I was satisfied with their work!" 

Creative Bumble

Had a fantastic Experience working with the Christlated Team Especially Feti!

Nicole Yang

I was really happy to find such a trustworthy Translation Agency! I always use them for my work!

Cyril & Co. Solicitors

Christlated Was the only Modern Translation Agency I Could Find anywhere! Their staff and way of working is extremely modern I loved it!

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